30 Stag Do Challenges

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          30 Stag Do Challenges

          Published on Nov 14, 2017

          Every aspect of your stag party is in place, all that is left is to set the legendary stag do challenges that every stag-ateer must abide by, or else suffer painfully embarrassing forfeits which you will be mocked for. The challenges here have been passed down from stags for generations, from our fathers and their fathers before them. We’ve got the awesome, the hilarious and the most disgusting stag do challenges for you to take part in. Choose your favourites at your own risk…

          View Stag Party Ideas


          Cosy Pub

          Pub and Club Challenges

          1) The stinky pint

          Have the stag take off his sock and then cover his glass and drink the beer. He’ll then be stranded with one wet sock and a bad aftertaste.

          Up the ante: Retrieve a stranger’s sock and do the same challenge.


          2) Embarrassing dancer

          When a cheesy pop song comes on, make it a rule that the stag must stand up, shout THIS IS MY JAM and then run onto the dance floor. Anything by Katy Perry or Britney usually works well.

          Up the ante: Grab a nearby dancer and challenge them to a dance-off.


          3) Scavenger stag

          After a round, collect all of the dregs and have the stag finish them all off.

          Up the ante: Finish the dregs from a stranger’s table.


          4) Big drinker

          Find the biggest guy in the bar and buy him a ‘Blow Job’ (amaretto, Baileys & whipped cream).

          Up the ante: Wink when the barman points you out as being the person who bought the drink.


          5) Girly drinks

          The stag must drink all of his drinks from a feminine glass, he can have his beer but it must be served from a Z-stem or similar.

          Up the ante: He has to drink girly drinks all night eg strawberry daiquiris, Sex on the Beach etc.


          6) Triple threat

          Get a selfie with a blonde, brunette and a red head.

          Up the ante: Get a kiss from each.


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          Shot glasses

          Not for the faint-hearted challenges

          7) Foot lube

          Randomly select a victim and have the stag lick their foot from heel to toe.

          Up the ante: When they get to the tip, suck the toe and make it ‘sexual’.


          8) World’s strongest stag

          Challenge a stranger to a press up competition and win.

          Up the ante: Take off your top and do an overly long stretching routine.


          9) Brazilian stag

          Buy some waxing strips. Then every time the stag says a certain word he has to rip one off.

          Up the ante: Use Gaffa tape


          10) The masseuse

          The stag must find someone (who’s not in the group) to give a two minute massage to.

          Up the ante: It must be a chap.


          11) Body shot

          The stag must buy a shot and then climb onto the bar (or table) and lie down to wait for someone to do the body shot. He can’t move until he finds someone – or pays someone to do it!

          Up the ante: Put another in his mouth so he can’t talk.



          Unusual challenges

          12) The semi fried stag

          Purchase a bottle of the cheapest, darkest fake tan and have the stag lather it on himself for the weekend.

          Up the ante: Make it patchy and give him some panda eyes.


          13) Not-so-social media

          Find the most embarrassing photo you have of the stag (it shouldn’t take long) and have him set it to his profile picture for the duration of the day.

          Up the ante: Everyone else set it as theirs too.


          14) Shredded jackets

          Peel a potato with your bare teeth.

          Up the ante: Cover the potato chilli powder.


          15) Changing your style

          Dye the stag’s hair. It doesn’t have to be permanent. If you’re kind, or if the wedding is in the not too distant future, you can buy a wash out dye.

          Up the ante: Give him a two tone job. I also hear frosted tips are coming back into fashion.


          16) Scavenger hunt

          During the weekend the stag must find a condom, a bra, a local souvenir, a urinal soap, a bottle of sauce and a selfie with a hen.

          Up the ante: He can’t spend a penny on the items.


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          Stein of beer

          Hilarious Challenges

          17) Long lost friend

          Call a random number and try to convince the person on the other end that they know you. You could be an old school friend, a friend of a friend or that plumber who sends you a Christmas card each year.

          Up the ante: Do the dare face to face with a stranger


          18) Awkward phone call

          Have the stag pretend that he’s on the phone and is having an intimate and awkward chat. He could be pleading for his partner not to leave him, having a steamy chat or perhaps begging for his job back.

          Up the ante: Give him a Bluetooth ear piece for added effect.


          19) Failed magician

          Approach a random stranger and explain that you are going to perform a magic trick. The challenge is to keep their attention for as long as possible without completing any kind of trick.

          Up the ante: Draw a fake moustache on and have a minimum target time of 10 minutes.


          20) Copycat

          Choose a random stranger and copy his movements for 10 minutes without them noticing.

          Up the ante: Lip sync them too.


          21) Look-alike

          Work out who your stag’s celebrity doppleganger is and then have him try to convince a stranger that is who he is.

          Up the ante: Choose a celeb that doesn’t look like the stag.


          22) Arnie stag

          For 24 hours, the stag has to talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

          Up the ante: Do a different accent in each pub – Batman’s usually a good choice.


          23) Friendly barman

          Every time the stag buys a drink, have him wink at the barman.

          Up the ante: Slip him your phone number.


          24) Provocative stag

          Every time you see a policeman or another stag in fancy dress tell them you love a man in uniform.

          Up the ante: Tell all of the bouncers that you love a tough man in a suit.


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          Group Challenges

          25) Not out

          Whenever you get passed a drink you must say ‘not out’, if you take a sip without saying it, someone can catch you out by saying ‘how’s that’ and you must down the entire drink.


          26) Shark attack

          Whenever someone shouts ‘shark attack’ all participants must take their feet off the floor and the last one who does so must do a forfeit.


          27) Sell yourself

          The person who can wangle the most free drinks over the course of the stag do wins.


          28) Mr President

          Whenever the best man says ‘down Mr President’ the entire group must surround him in secret service fashion. Last one in loses.


          29) Curses

          Whenever someone swears they must keep their head on the table until the next person swears. If you’re out and about a palm on the face will suffice.


          30) Big collector

          The person who manages to take the biggest object home wins.


          We’d love to know how these stag do challenges go down with your group. If you’re still looking for accommodation or activities for your event, check out our stag do ideas here.


          Stag Party Idea